Representative Cases

Commercial Arbitration

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Representing an international energy concern in ICC arbitration against an American engineering company. The engineering company pleads breach of contract relying on force majeure provisions.

Representing a global mineral fertiliser producer in ad hoc arbitration concerning a charter party agreement and delivery of goods. Progressing claims in damages and loss of profit.

Representing the Claimant in a HKIAC arbitration in relation to the sale and purchase of a glass manufacturing business in relation to suspected misappropriation of funds during the sale process.

Representing a global steel concern in an LMAA arbitration concerning the non-delivery of raw materials.

Acting for a metallurgical plant in an LCIA arbitration defending alleged non-acceptance of iron-ore pellets.

Acting for airlines in claims under aircraft leases in three LCIA arbitrations.

Acting for the Respondent in a EUR 200 million LCIA arbitration in the energy sector, defending a series of contractual and tortious claims.

LCIA Arbitration for BVI entities involved in a dispute over a Cypriot joint venture regarding a substantial mining operation.

Investment Arbitration

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Representing an African State in an ICSID arbitration relating to a multi-billion construction project.

Acting for a claimant in a commercial dispute against an African State under ICC Rules.

Representing a Latin American State in an investment arbitration arising out of the alleged expropriation of concessions.

Representing a State in an ICSID arbitration relating to an investment into a strategically crucial telecommunications company.

Commercial Litigation

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Representing the minority shareholders of a mining plc in a corporate dispute to the value of £10 billion.

Acting for a real estate developer in a High Court joint venture dispute in relation to property located abroad but subject to English jurisdiction by way of a shareholders’ agreement.

Representing the Part 20 Defendant in a shareholder dispute. The dispute involved multiple IT businesses, including one particularly well-known in the domain of mobile navigation applications. As a result of our work, the client was able to negotiate a drop hands settlement to this multi-million dollar claim for a fraction of that cost in legal fees.

Banking, Finance & Investment Disputes

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Representing various businesses and individuals in disputes with investment banks and wealth management firms, in relation to refusal to execute orders, withdrawal of facilities and migration of accounts to new providers.

Providing expert opinions on English law in relation to international bondholder disputes and securities litigation.

Representing the sellers of a multinational business against the buyers in relation to claims for deferred consideration and counterclaims for breaches of warranty.

Representing banks and customers in mis-selling, securities and fraud disputes.

Cryptocurrency Disputes

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Representing a Kazakh Bitcoin mining entity in a dispute with a power producer following the illegal confiscation of Bitcoin producing servers.

Representing an IT distributor in arbitration and litigation in the UK, EU, and US against top hardware and software vendors.

Renegotiation of a 'turnkey' software implementation contract. Assessing damages caused by failure to implement the project in time.

Representing a cryptocurrency exchange in discussions with a financial regulator to ensure compliance with financial promotion requirements.

Renegotiation of a software implementation contract with a telecoms operator in the Middle East.

Matrimonial Disputes

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Representing the husband in Supreme Court proceedings to set aside leave for an application for financial relief under Part III of the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984. Despite an award of millions of dollars (equivalent) already being awarded to the wife she claimed damages of USD billions.

Representing a Cyprus manufacturing and supply company with King’s Counsel to advise on its liability under divorce proceedings in the UK based on jurisdictional issues, post-nuptial agreements and related child abduction proceedings. Value of EUR 250 million.

Representing the ex-wife of a well-known billionaire in a dispute over the family home, located in the English countryside.

Pursuing claims for an ex-wife against her ex-husband to progress her entitlement to half of his USD 9 billion estate.


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Representing a leading brokerage to unfreeze securities valuing in excess of USD 1 billion belonging to our client and its customers, blocked by Euroclear.

Representing an English company in its successful judicial review of OFSI’s lack of response to a licence application that would have resulted in the bankruptcy of the client entity. One of the first cases of its kind.

Representing an international IT company to challenge its sanctions designation in a claim against the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs (FCDO). The first challenge to be heard under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 (SAMLA) in the English High Court.

Representing an automotive company to challenge closure of its bank accounts held by an English plc on the basis of unfair discrimination.

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2 Eaton Gate
London SW1W 9BJ
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BELGRAVIA LAW LIMITED is registered with the Solicitors Regulation Authority with SRA number 8004056 and is a limited company registered in England & Wales with company number 14815978. The firm’s registered office is at 2 Eaton Gate, Belgravia, London SW1W 9BJ.

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